Thursday, June 3, 2010

Los Angeles Lakers Win Game One

Just a couple hours ago the Los Angeles Lakers put a beating on the Boston Celtics in the first game of the NBA Finals. Boston couldn't gain any ground on the Lakers after the half. Every run that Boston had was being matched and beaten by the Lakers.
I really don't want to see the Lakers win the championship. I hate Kobe Bryant with a passion and I can't stand to see him win another championship. Besides the Lakers always go to championships and it's about time for some other western conference team to make a run at it. Kevin Garnett is one of my favorite players ever and Id like to see him win his second championship.

Peru murder has familiar suspect

Joran Van Der Sloot has been suspected of murdering a woman in Peru. The woman's name was Stephany Ramirez and she was registered in the room rented by Joran Van Der Sloot leading poilce to believe he is the murderer.
This Joran Van Der Sloot needs to be put in jail. He got away with murdering Natalie Halloway and now he's probably going to get away with this one to. He should just be put behind bars. He even confessed to Natalie murder so there's no reason that he should be put on the streets. He shouldn't be allowed to walk around unsupervised. He is a guy when the surroundings are right can kill and cover up a crime without any remorse.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Ruined Perfect Game

Detroit Pitcher Armando Gallaraga was one out away in the bottom of the ninth inning when he was up against Jason Donald. Jason Donald hit a ground ball and what seemed like the end of the game suddenly got a bad call and Donald was ruled safe. Gallaraga's perfect game was over.
The umpire is getting just ridiculed about the call and a few have even said that he did that to prevent Gallaraga from a perfect game. Sure it was a lousy call. It was clear that the perfect game should have been there. But umpires make mistakes. Jim Joyce felt lousy after he watched a replay about the play. He was crushed about costing him the perfect game. It shouldn't be made into a big deal.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ken Griffey Jr. Retires

Seattle Mariners great outfielder Ken Griffey Jr. officially announced his retirement from the MLB on Tuesday. After 22 years in the MLB and a fading career that was obviously coming to an end Jr. knew it was time for the end. He's thankful for his career and is sad to leave the game.
It's really sad to watch a player like Griffey go. He was probably the greatest player in MLB history who didn't use steroids. His endless ammount of gold gloves and his 609 career homeruns make him probably the best all around player who never used steroids in the history of baseball

Monday, May 24, 2010

NFL VS. Team Owners

In a court ruling made recently the NFL is not considered as one single business but as 32 different NFL teams that can just make their own decisions instead of the league regulating them.
The Supreme Court made a really good choice about this because now Roger Goodell doesn't have power over everything like it seems like he has been. He's not the reason the NFL is making money. It's mainly the players and then the team coaches and owners who are smart enough to pick up those players. The Atlanta Falcon franchise can agree with me that if it was a team option instead of a league option, Michael Vick would still be the QB there and the franchise would sell much more merchandise.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Dodges Parole Meetings.

Lindsay Lohan, whos been a success since her childhood has yet again caused a problem because of not getting proper rehab for her drug and alcohol abuse. She skipped her parole meeting because she went to Europe and did some heavy drinking.
How dumb can Lindsay get?! She is given chance after chance to clean up her act and become a good member of society. So what does she do for the society in return. She endangers the society and causes herself great bodily harm. What kind of person would do that with all the chances she's given. She should be in jail right now because otherwise she's going to end up on a street dying and eventually found in a gutter.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Washington Redskins Show Interest In Westbrook

The Washington Redskins are starting to scout free agent running-back Brian Westbrook. They have shown serious interest in him after he left the Philadelphia Eagles.
I don't think Washington needs Westbrook. They have Clinton Portis, Larry Johnson, and Willie Parker who, anyone of those three could start on many teams in the NFL. It's a waste of time to look for a fourth running back in the mix because 2 is enough. 3 is wasting talent and 4 is just wasting twice the talent. I hope Westbrook goes to a team that will actually use him because otherwise his career is basically done.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How things are unequal

The saying, "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" holds alot more truth than the goverment wants to believe it does. Seriously, our taxation system favors those with a higher income. When the goverment collects taxes it takes only a small percent of what the rich make but a high percent of what the poor make. Some argue that the rich still pay the most money in taxes if you look at the ammount alone sent to the goverment. That is true but why do you think that is? It's because the money they send is nothing to them. They can afford that and laugh at those who cant. The gap between the wealthiest citizens and the poor is increasing to fast and things should start to even out sooner.

Our taxation system needs to be changed because the same people are having all the success every year and its like the poor doesn't even have a chance at recovery. There is a strong political movement across the nation known as Fairtax and it says that the taxation system should just be eliminated all together and everyone can take home their gross pay. I believe this is a great idea and I have thought of that for a long time now but now there's finally people who agree with me.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

New Mailing Plans.

There is a new plan for the postal service in America to decrease the national debt. Mailing is going to cut saturday from it's mailing days. They think itll save about $340 million dollars.
I think this is a good idea. But it does have one problem that could be major in my opinion. If you cut saturday then you cut more jobs for people who deliver on the weekend. I do like it however, because Saturday isn't really a good day for mail anyway. People don't get that much mail on Saturdays and they don't send that much on Saturdays. I think the postal service industry would make alot more profits without Saturday on the list for days to mail.
Joe Bidens slip up of, "It's a big f****** deal" to Obamas healthcare form is now goin to be printed on a shirt to celebrate the new healthcare bill. Anyone who donates at least $25 is going to get a shirt with the slogan "Health reform is a BFD".
I dont think you need a shirt to show opinion about the healthcare reform bill. And it promotes a little bit of bad language which isn't something the real young children should be knowing. Yeah, healthcare is a major deal but why would you put a slip of the tongue onto a shirt. It's not really a smart idea in my opinion.

Losing Jobs

In the past month America has lost over 67,000 jobs across the country. Unemployment rates are increasing and now president Obamas newest priority is to increase the job rate in the country.
This rate that America is losing jobs at is making me really nervous about finding a job after im done with college. I just got done goin through a two and a half month period with a drastic cut in hours at my part time job. I went from a usual thirty hours a week to being scheduled about twenty hours but to make up for that then id just stay later on almost all my shifts. I want to be able to find a job after college so im hoping president Obama figures things out soon about how to start providing new jobs again.

April Fools Day

Trying to get into the buzz of April Fools Day, Google has now changed the name of their page to Topeka. They wanted to trick many people and now they had a few people confused about the name.
What a dumb trick to do? It's easy to tell that it's false because all you have to do is type in and it'll still take you to the same webpage. The only difference is that instead of having Google written across your screen, now you have Topeka written across the screen. The better joke would've been to change your homepage look and then see how many people get confused. What a stupid joke!

Pirate Attack

The USS Nicholas was attacked in the Indian Ocean today by some Pirates. The American ship fired back on the pirates and then sunk the attackers ship and captured the pirates.
It's been a long time since Ive heard about pirate attacks on American ships. It's a good thing the Americans are well stocked on artillery. They're prepared for anything like this. The American ship is goin to hold them prisoner until a good punishment is reached. It shouldn't take to long to decide on a fair punishment for these pirates. A long time in jail should be the proper punishment for these criminals.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island currently has 95% of its nation underwater. It's in a state of emergency right now and has a good chance of being completely flooded pretty soon.
I've never heard of anything like this in my entire life. A whole state may soon be completely submerged in water! How can you avoid something like this. its water. it's not like you can just make it go away. It's not like when theres a solution to a problem like global warming. This you really can't prevent. It's rain and it's not goin to stop until it's completely finished.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Problems at Cornell University

The suicide toll at Cornell university now stands at seven deaths. Yet it has no signs of coming to an end. There is believed to be a pact of about 40 students involved in a suicide ring.

This is a travesty! Why would so much as 40 students want to kill themselves. There has got to be an undercover cult going on or something like that. If I was smart enough to get into Cornell I would be jumping for joy. Why anyone who is that smart, would want to kill themselves is a huge mystery. It's got me wondering, "what is going on at that school?". I hope it gets figured out quick because it's sad to hear of such promising students knocking themselves off the planet.

Current Event blog

The United States and Russia agree to a 33% cut in nuclear arms production in their countries. President Obama says that it's a step towards peace and a world without nuclear arms necessary.
This is a big help to both countries, especially Russia because if a nuclear war were to ensue between the countries then i believe America would win this without a doubt. Plus cutting the production of nuclear arms will allow some money to be saved to go towards other important materials. For America the money can be used to decrease our national debt. For Russia it can be used to improve the economy.


In the Healthcare article it explains a new heathcare plan that will allow all of America to have healthcare. It does however not know who will pay for it
I like the intentions of president Obama's new health plan but i do not like the fact that it will require everyone to acquire healthcare. If a citizen is so poor that they cant even pay for the cheapest healthcare plan, then they shouldn't have to buy healthcare. It should be a citizens choice if they want to make the purchase of healthcare. I believe that this is both a progress in nationwide healthcare, but a step back in America's ability to make free choices.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Social Insecurity

In the Fiscal year 2008 the goverment was projected to spend over 2.9 trillion dollars in programs and agencies. That makes alot of people uncertain about whether we should spend that much money or not. I don't believe we need to spend that much money and that makes me a little Insecure about whether we will go into a higher debt. Me and alot of the other people who are concerned about that feel alot of Social Insecurity towards our goverment. Our goverment is going to be spending more money than they are making and to me that is a cause for concern towards how intelligent our goverment actually is.

Alot of people may disagree with me and say, "You have to spend some money to make some money". That motto is probably what got us into this major debt in the first place. Ok, maybe you do have to spend a little bit of money but you don't need to spend almost 3 trillion dollars just to help out programs and agencies. I was informed that billions of dollars are spent on healthcare companies. The spending on that could probably be cut quite a bit. Especially considering that the healthcare companies still reject most of the people who apply for healthcare. Those people who get rejected pay taxes for things like healthcare and yet they don't get to receive any of it! That's wrong on so many levels. Dale Netherton says that more spending is so dumb that, "its a wonder there isnt a mass demonstration at the white house."

issue #1

Friday, February 12, 2010

Church Fires

Two churches recently got burned in Texas. The Authorities have decided that the fires were caused by an arsonist and now that the brings the total to about ten churches that were deliberately burned.
I don't understand how people can get so angry with religion that they want to burn down a church in retribution for the anger. Churches are a place for people who want to believe in a happier life and to give their life a little more meaning. Why anyone would be mean enough and intolerant enough to burn a place with hopes down is confusing to me. I hope they find the arsonist and give him hard time in prison.