Friday, March 26, 2010

Problems at Cornell University

The suicide toll at Cornell university now stands at seven deaths. Yet it has no signs of coming to an end. There is believed to be a pact of about 40 students involved in a suicide ring.

This is a travesty! Why would so much as 40 students want to kill themselves. There has got to be an undercover cult going on or something like that. If I was smart enough to get into Cornell I would be jumping for joy. Why anyone who is that smart, would want to kill themselves is a huge mystery. It's got me wondering, "what is going on at that school?". I hope it gets figured out quick because it's sad to hear of such promising students knocking themselves off the planet.

Current Event blog

The United States and Russia agree to a 33% cut in nuclear arms production in their countries. President Obama says that it's a step towards peace and a world without nuclear arms necessary.
This is a big help to both countries, especially Russia because if a nuclear war were to ensue between the countries then i believe America would win this without a doubt. Plus cutting the production of nuclear arms will allow some money to be saved to go towards other important materials. For America the money can be used to decrease our national debt. For Russia it can be used to improve the economy.


In the Healthcare article it explains a new heathcare plan that will allow all of America to have healthcare. It does however not know who will pay for it
I like the intentions of president Obama's new health plan but i do not like the fact that it will require everyone to acquire healthcare. If a citizen is so poor that they cant even pay for the cheapest healthcare plan, then they shouldn't have to buy healthcare. It should be a citizens choice if they want to make the purchase of healthcare. I believe that this is both a progress in nationwide healthcare, but a step back in America's ability to make free choices.